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Monday, July 19, 2010

To party or NOT to party?

So, the time has come for me to blog about the clubbing experience! Now, first things first, I'm not the traditional "party animal" as such, but I've recently been craving the ambiance... EXTENSIVELY!
Maybe it's because I've more free time on my hands and if there's too much of it, boredom can strike: once boredom strikes, it somehow leads to curiosity which in turn leads to mysterious things, but that's another story aka blog-post by itself!  Or, maybe it's simply a case of the "club fever." Whatever the cause, it's pretty awesome, might I say!

Still, I have a tiny bit of a confession to make: I've never really been into parties before; matter of fact, I forthrightly spoke out against it when discussed with my friends but I guess college and and having an extended-vacation eventually made it seem appealing, especially after realizing what I was "missing-out" on! Indeed, there are many other people who have had their fair share of club-hopping and whatnot, at least in my opinion. However, fortunately for me, I'm still young and I don't think the clubs are running away from me any time soon, that is, if they suddenly grow legs and follow in the tracks of Forrest Gump.

Therefore, I am left to declare this: if you've also been having similar sentiments as I've had, please don't be shy! The experience will be rather worth your while; just ensure that good friends and/or family are there to enjoy it with you and all will definitely be well.

Henceforth, the future of clubbing, partying and fĂȘting (whether indoors or outdoors as in house-party or actual "certified" dance-floor) is anticipating more of my presence at numerous venues, but I'm guessing this might have a follow-up soon. So, all I can say for this time, til next post, is:



1 comment:

  1. Interesting piece Shiv, I myself have wanted to lime lately now that I won't be in Trinidad for a year. But say what I'll 'fiestar' in Colombia :D
