check this

Monday, July 19, 2010

To party or NOT to party?

So, the time has come for me to blog about the clubbing experience! Now, first things first, I'm not the traditional "party animal" as such, but I've recently been craving the ambiance... EXTENSIVELY!
Maybe it's because I've more free time on my hands and if there's too much of it, boredom can strike: once boredom strikes, it somehow leads to curiosity which in turn leads to mysterious things, but that's another story aka blog-post by itself!  Or, maybe it's simply a case of the "club fever." Whatever the cause, it's pretty awesome, might I say!

Still, I have a tiny bit of a confession to make: I've never really been into parties before; matter of fact, I forthrightly spoke out against it when discussed with my friends but I guess college and and having an extended-vacation eventually made it seem appealing, especially after realizing what I was "missing-out" on! Indeed, there are many other people who have had their fair share of club-hopping and whatnot, at least in my opinion. However, fortunately for me, I'm still young and I don't think the clubs are running away from me any time soon, that is, if they suddenly grow legs and follow in the tracks of Forrest Gump.

Therefore, I am left to declare this: if you've also been having similar sentiments as I've had, please don't be shy! The experience will be rather worth your while; just ensure that good friends and/or family are there to enjoy it with you and all will definitely be well.

Henceforth, the future of clubbing, partying and fêting (whether indoors or outdoors as in house-party or actual "certified" dance-floor) is anticipating more of my presence at numerous venues, but I'm guessing this might have a follow-up soon. So, all I can say for this time, til next post, is:



Friday, July 9, 2010

Up for the challenge!

Why is it that some chics are more attracted to guys that are taken yet our counterparts don't even seem to care about that specific aspect of the dating scene? Is it that we're SO caught up with that idea that we are challenging our "unknown rivals" since their men are somewhat more "interested" in us and we're the new target? What happens after we step into the "girlfriend/partner" shoes? Don't we become just as "stale" as the previous chic? Or is it that we absolutely want to become perfect at getting guys to cheat?!

Well, it seems as if nowadays, many women think that men - married, committed or simply in a relationship (whether open or "closed" as that ever-so-special social networking site called facebook) - are just more "attractive" than most single ones. Now, my question is: WHY IS THAT?
Who ever thought that single guys are too boring or lack spontaneity? Is this even proven? I sure think not!

Everyone knows that there are two sides to a story, so why have the guys not spoken much about it either? Is it a case of "the truth hurts" or "the truth will set you free" so that they don't wanna discuss it at all? 
Hmmm... much to ponder about, huh.

Still, I must put my two cents in here: females on the whole need to be a tad more considerate when dating or attempting to date a guy who is already in a relationship, especially if he's also married. 
Check the following reasons I came up with:

1) If he's already on the prowl (at a bar, club etc), then why the heck is he hitting on you even if it's for the fun? He should be hanging out with the "wifey" at that SAME spot, trying to spice things up a little, for Heaven's sake! It just goes to show that he might as well be not SO ready for that level of commitment after all. So, what makes you think that he'd change after getting it on with you?

2) Even if you've exchanged numbers and email addresses, I don't think there's a problem with that BUT he still doesn't have the right to holla at you for a booty-call... and vice-versa! Also, you as the smarter of the both sexes (not wanting to sound too feminist here) should know better than to condone something as lowly as that. Period.

3) Once there are kids involved, as in a marital relationship or not, that is a definite no-no for me! As a young woman, I do not intend to "strangle" my life with a guy who already has batted all over his crease without the necessary gear, and I sure as ever don't intend to continue in that sorta trend he's apparently got going on (concerning those with more than 2 children). Therefore, it is mandatory that he remain off limits at this point. Wish him luck with the future and MOVE ON! Unless you like it and are ready for the consequences, then by all means: GO BRAVE! Simple as that.

The bottom line is that girls and boys aka men and women (physically mature or not but surely mentally) should be able to properly and clearly lay out the ground rules for dating each other when becoming newly-acquainted. However, it doesn't mean that as soon as you meet up with someone (chic or guy) that has a ring on their finger, you scatter-off like a mouse who's being chased by a cat; bear in mind, "asking questions is a good way [if not the best, in my opinion] to find out something" so go ahead and inquire as to their "partner status". After all, it's how you begin to get to know what both you AND that possibly significant other are really and truly about, but if they're simple not your type, that's another story. 
Remember, it's the little things that count.

Toodles til loodles!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Sneakers or sandals?

hmmm this one's kinda iffy... but it REALLY depends on the weather tho... if it's too sunny, I'd go with sneakers, but if it's cool, sandals will do... NOT if it's rainy tho.. cuz that'll mean my having to resort to sneakers again >.< so I guess I prefer sneakers since I wrote so much about 'em... heels are the bombdiggidy too tho ;)

<<<bRiNg !t 0n>>>

Saturday, July 3, 2010

am I actually JADED?

I am having a terrible time in trying to regain my sense of self so that I have to resort to my sleep to aid me *sigh*
However, as the saying goes, "all's well that ends well" so I only hope that when this phase (which I assume it is) does come to an end, it will really prove to be well.
Who knows? Maybe it's all because of the fact that my teams for World Cup 2k10 are about all out... and the underdogs continue to bark *whimper*

Still, we'll see exactly what the future has in store! toodles til loodles ;)


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


(25/6/10 update)

OK!!! so I didn't get to keep my promise due to technological issues *sigh*
BUT I really wanna shout out to MJ... my all-time fave who brought the POP to meeee from a rather early age (app 4/5 yrs old) ^_^

ONE MORE THING: ppl please don't take life for granted! I'm realizing that so many loved ones are passing away at the blink of an eye; I know we all have to go at some point in time but it's still completely & freakishly real O.o

yeah soooo that's basically it for now.... TOODLES TIL LOODLES
